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The Constructiv.be website aims to provide you with information on the sectoral benefits for workers and employers in the construction industry (Joint Industrial Committee no. 124).

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1. Personal Data Protection
Constructiv.be is a website managed by Constructiv (Social Security Fund) with the aim of granting sectoral benefits, employment opportunities and well-being at work in the construction industry.

In order to carry out its legal missions, Constructiv has been authorized by the Social Security and Health Sectoral Committee to process personal data coming from the various files of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security.

Constructiv undertakes to respect every regulation regarding privacy.
2. For which purposes are personal data used?
Your data is used for the execution of Constructiv's statutory tasks as defined in its Articles of Association.

3. What is the legal basis?
The legal basis for the use of your data is: 
  • * the law of 7 January 1958 on Social Security Funds;
  • * the decision of 29 September 1960 of the Joint Industrial Committee of the construction industry to set up a social security fund “Social Security Fund for Construction Workers”;
  • * the law of 15 January 1990 on the establishment and organisation of a Crossroads Bank for Social Security;
  • * the Royal Decree of 23 October 1991 regulating access to the information and use of the identification number of the National Register of Natural Persons with regard to the Social Security Funds;
  • * the collective labour agreement (CLA) of 30 June 2016 amending and coordinating the articles of association of the Social Security Fund for Construction Workers - fbz fse Constructiv as part of the integration of sector funds;
  • * the special CLAs that determine the nature of the benefits, the modalities of granting and payment and the persons who can benefit from them.

These texts are available on the following websites:
Belgian Official Journal
FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (JIC 124)
4. Which personal data do we process?
  • * your personal data from the National Register and Bis Register (name, address, etc.);
    * your contact details;
    * the special events in your affiliation (such as commencement of employment, retirement, payments);
    * your career data (identification cards and DmfA declaration).

5. What are our main sources of information?
  • * Your personal data:
     - National Register
     - Official bodies through the network of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security.
    * Your contact details:
     -You (via Constructiv forms)
    * Your career data
     - Official bodies through the network of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security.
    * Your payment details:
     - You (via Constructiv forms)

6. How long is your data kept?
Your personal data will be stored throughout your professional career for the purpose of establishing your rights to social security benefits.

7.    To whom may we communicate your personal data?
  • * public institutions (FPS Finance, NSSO, etc.) within the framework of their legal assignments;
    * third parties to whom you have given permission to process these data (e.g. your trade union);
    * third parties who have been expressly authorised to do so by the privacy commission (bailiffs, judicial officers, etc.).
  • The data are also used for reporting and policy-supporting research. In that case, it always concerns global, anonymous statistics and never identifiable personal data.

8. What rights do you have?
In fulfilling its duties and tasks, Constructiv complies with legislation. Within the limits of this legislation, you have the right to:
* access your information;
* request the erasure or rectification of your information;
* request that the processing of your data be limited;
* object to the processing and transfer of your data.
To do so, please contact the Data Protection Officers (see section 11).

9. Can you withdraw your consent?
If the processing of your data is based on your consent (data outside the network of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security), you can withdraw this consent at any time.

10. How can you lodge a complaint?
If you suspect that the processing of your personal data is not in accordance with the applicable legislation, it is advisable to contact our Data Protection Officers as soon as possible (see section 11).

It will then always be possible to lodge a complaint with the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy (BCPP).

11. Contact details
Send an e-mail!